Hello ladies and gentle-men. Sorry to everybody who reads, weather you follow or not. I haven't been posting much lately because I have been so buisy with my job. Yes, I work at McDonalds... Lucky me right? Oh well, it's extra money in my pocket that I can spend on Stardoll (yay!). So, my plan for this blog is to post once a day as well as countinually improve the looks of the blog. The things I will cover day to day are:
*Featured Medolls
*What not to wear
*Must haves
*Make-up tutorials
And of corse, much more.
I will need some help in the end just because its very difficult to run a blog, work, go to school play soccer and dance all at the same time as well as keeping up with stardoll! Its not logical. So, if anybody is willing to start off small with me, and help write and make this blog big, let us know on stardoll, Username: Misspairs, you can go directly to our page by pressing the image of us above.
Thank you guys for the support!
Stay classy,
Eden xx